Contact Our Medical Malpractice Attorneys
Obstetricians, prenatal physicians, delivery room doctors and nurses, and pediatricians all have a responsibility to care for and protect the wellbeing of a pregnant mother and her infant immediately after birth. Throughout this time period, a single critical mistake by any of the medical professionals may harm the child and perhaps the mother in what is known as a birth injury.
If your child has suffered a birth injury, you should notify Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC as soon as you can. Our Wichita birth injury lawyers can help you file a claim in pursuit of total compensation.
Reasons Birth Injuries Occur
Any sort of health problem that harms a child but should have been preventable is considered a birth injury. While this is somewhat of a broad definition, there are specific birth injuries that occur more often than others. The root at each one is medical negligence, either in the form of carelessness, unpreparedness, fatigue, or professional ineptness.
The five most common sources of preventable birth injuries include, in no particular order:
- Twisting or pulling a child during delivery.
- Inappropriate use of tools used to assist birthing.
- Dangerous medication use on mother during pregnancy or labor.
- Improper monitoring of infant’s vitals during delivery.
- Failed C-section surgery, or lack of using one when necessary.
How a Birth Injury May Harm a Child
A physical birth injury may be readily apparent in your child. Excessive or unsafe pulling during delivery, for example, can cause Erb’s palsy, or paralysis of the newborn’s arm. Other forms of birth injury may be more subtle and affect the infant’s mind, sometimes due to oxygen deprivation during pregnancy and birthing. The result may cerebral palsy or other similar conditions.
Your child may exhibit the following mental deficiencies if they have suffered a birth injury:
- Difficulty learning to talk or walk
- Apparent inability to recognize faces of parents
- Drastic mood swings in toddlers
- Lack of sensitivity to pain
Birth injuries must be diagnosed and addressed as soon as possible. A delay in treatment could cause what was once a temporary issue into a lifelong disability. If you suspect that your newborn has been hurt in any way during delivery or pregnancy, please consult with your pediatrician as soon as you can.
Let us see if you can be our next success by scheduling a free initial consultation now and be sure to ask us about our contingency fees – you do not pay us if we do not win for you!
Decades of Experience & Hundreds of Victories
The hard work we do here at Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC is not as important as the people we help. Each step we take in your case is pointed towards one goal: the total and fair compensation you and your child require and deserve. In the past, we have recovered more than $400 million for our clients through verdicts and settlements.