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FAQs About Personal Injury

Get Answers Today - (316) 313-4730

At Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC, we make it a priority to provide informative and knowledgeable counsel to each and every client. We understand how stressful it is to cope with an injury after an accident, and you most likely have numerous questions. We want to make the claims process easier for all clients, which is why we have compiled a list of some of the frequently asked questions we receive. Below, you can find answers to common questions that we get at Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC.

Speak With Our Team

If you have a question that was not answered below, feel free to contact our attorneys to discuss your concerns and questions. We can also go over your claim with you and tell you what we can do to help you during this time. During this meeting, we encourage you to bring documents or any other evidence related to your case.