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Liability for Train Accidents


Every year, approximately 1,000 people in the United States die in preventable train accidents. Given the dangerous combination of high speeds and heavy machinery, train crashes tend to be particularly deadly and cause millions of dollars’ worth of material and bodily damage. It is often challenging to figure out exactly why such accidents occur and who is responsible, but establishing liability is critical to making sure affected parties receive appropriate compensation and a fair verdict.

Potential Responsible Parties in Train Accidents

  • Train conductor: Many people may automatically assume that a conductor is directly responsible for causing a train accident. It is certainly true that the person driving the train bears responsibility for doing everything possible to ensure passengers arrive safely at their destination, but there are plenty of other things that can go wrong which could shift the blame elsewhere.
  • Manufacturer: The entity that oversaw the construction of the train in question may be held liable for the damage if the accident was caused by some sort of part malfunction or if the train was defectively designed. The manufacturer could also be held liable if they did not take appropriate measures to ensure the product’s safety.
  • Maintenance: Some of the deadliest train accidents occur when two or more vessels collide, as can become the case when traffic signals, railway components, and other safety mechanisms are not properly maintained. Faulty maintenance may be the responsibility of a municipality, third party company, or another entity.

We Fight for Victims of Train Accidents in Wichita

At Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC, our experienced injury attorneys have personally handled thousands of cases involving negligence, injuries, and disastrous accidents, and we have recovered more than $400 million on behalf of our clients. If you have been injured or someone you love has been killed in such an accident, we may be able to help you recover the compensation you need to be reimbursed for medical expenses, funeral costs, pain and suffering, or any other damages resulting from your accident.

Schedule your free case evaluation with a train accident attorney in Wichita today.
