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Seven Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC Attorneys are 2018 Super Lawyers® Members


Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC is always serious about doing whatever it takes to succeed for our clients. Our Wichita personal injury law firm has built a reputation for excellence, commitment, and professionalism ever since it was first established back in 1979. The tradition continues to this day with not one but seven of our attorneys earning selection to the 2018 list of Super Lawyers®.

Our seven 2018 Super Lawyers® members are:

In order to become a Super Lawyers® member for a given year, an attorney must be able to stand out among literally thousands of other peers and competitors. The organization uses a patented selection process to rigorously review and analyze legal professionals from all corners of the country and who have all types of practices. From nominations and independent research to a “Blue Ribbon” panel of leading legal minds making final selections, the process is a real professional gauntlet. It is truly an attest to an attorney’s abilities, dedication, and insight to become a Super Lawyers® member. Indeed, no more than 5% of all practicing attorneys in the country can earn this title each year.

It might be no surprise, then, that our team at Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC is more than excited to say seven of our attorneys are 2018 Super Lawyers®. We want to show great thanks to the organization for taking the time to thoroughly and unbiasedly review and recognize legal professionals who strive for excellence in everything they do. We must also show appreciation to our clients throughout the years, who have enabled our team to consistently grow as personal injury attorneys. Thank you so much for putting your cases and your faith in our hands again and again!

Interested in learning more about Super Lawyers®? You can click here to head to the organization’s official website. If you are interested in a free consultation with our Wichita personal injury lawyers for a claim of your own, we encourage you to call (316) 688-1166or fill out an online contact form?