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Motorcycle Defects that Can Cause Crashes


Motorcycle Defects to Watch Out for

If you own motorcycles or ride them on a regular basis, you understand how much maintenance goes into keeping your bike in tip-top shape. However, avoiding leaks, breaks, and malfunctions isn’t always up to you. Sometimes it’s the result of a manufacturing or design error, such as:

  • Brake pad malfunctions
  • Engines stalling out due to blown fuses
  • Handlebars breaking due to cracking and heat intolerance
  • Tire defects resulting in skidding, blowouts, and lack of control

Any of the above could cause you to run into another vehicle, lose control of your bike, hit a pedestrian, fly off your vehicle, or veer off the road or into another lane. Such accidents may leave you with severe and costly injuries, such as brain trauma, spinal damage, multiple fractures, burns, and more. Motorcycle part defects could lead to accidents so serious that you become permanently disabled and unable to work or go about your life as normal.

In such cases, you need an experienced attorney on your side to plead your case and protect your best interests.

Product Liability Attorneys Serving Motorcycle Riders in Wichita

At Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC, we can help you when an unsafe product causes you serious harm, especially if you were injured as a result of a motorcycle defect. If a defective part or bike directly caused your accident and injuries and you have suffered financial and personal damage as a result, you may be able to recover appropriate compensation by holding the manufacturer or other party accountable in court. Connect with one of our Wichita product liability lawyers as soon as possible in order to schedule your free consultation and decide your best steps forward.

Call our office at (316) 688-1166 today to speak to a member of our team.
