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What If My Injuries Present Themselves Long After An Accident?


If you were involved in an accident, your first priority should be to seek medical attention right away. You might feel fine, but painful symptoms often do not appear in the immediate aftermath of an accident. If you wait too long, the treatment you receive may likely be too late to prevent permanent damage. Putting off this crucial step will also impact your personal injury case if you decide to pursue compensation for your injuries.

Here are some facts and advice you should keep in mind if you are ever involved in an accident:

  • Always seek medical attention: Regardless of what you are feeling, it is wise to see a doctor after an accident. It is incredibly common for accident victims to not feel symptoms after an accident, so you need to be proactive and see a doctor before your injuries produce painful symptoms.
  • Do not sign the release form: Insurance companies are dedicated to ensuring accident victims do not obtain compensation. As such, they will try to get you to sign a release form that waives your right to pursue compensation. Do not let them prey on you during this vulnerable time. Hire a personal injury attorney and refuse to sign the release.
  • Monitor your injuries: Upon seeing your doctor, if you do not have any symptoms, he or she might advise you on how long you can expect to wait before you eventually experience symptoms. Ask any questions you might have to gain more clarity, which can help you understand how long you might need to wait before agreeing to a settlement. You never want to inadvertently agree to a settlement that cannot cover the expenses associated with your injury.

Skilled Personal Injury Attorneys in Wichita

Being involved in an accident that results in injuries can be an overwhelming and traumatic experience, especially once the medical bills start rolling in. You should not have to face this alone. At Hutton & Hutton, our team of experienced Wichita personal injury attorneys are dedicated to representing injured victims and will fight for the compensation you deserve.

Contact us today at (316) 688-1166 to schedule a free consultation with a knowledgeable member of our team.
