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Major Causes of Distracted Driving


Distracted driving is a major problem in the United States and, while cell phones are certainly a major contributing factor, they are not the only causes of distracted driving. Any activity that requires a driver to devote his or her attention to something other than the road is considered distracted driving. We might all be excellent at multi-tasking nowadays, but when you are behind the wheel, driving should be your sole focus and priority. Your life and the lives of others count on it.

Here are some of the most common causes of distracted driving that often cause accidents on the roadways:

1. Talking on the phone or texting: This is one of the most common types of distractions on the road today. According to the National Safety Council, 26% of all car crashes involve cell phones. Even hands-free devices are distracting, so if you really need to make a call or send a text, pull over safely and take care of it before you resume driving.

2. GPS: A fair amount of us heavily rely on navigational devices to take us to our destinations, but fiddling around with it while you are behind the wheel is distracting and dangerous. Set up your GPS route and mount it someplace where it is easy to view before you begin driving.

3. Adjusting the music or controls: Doing something as simple as pushing a few buttons might not seem like a big deal, but if you have to look away from the road to do it, it can be. Try to make any necessary adjustments before you start your engine.

4. Grooming or applying make-up: You might not always have time to look your best before you head out, but you should not consider your vehicle the perfect place to continue this task. There is no way you can pay attention to the road or your surroundings if you are busy brushing your hair. Take a few extra minutes to do it at home, or finish up when you park at your destination.

5. Zoning out: In some cases, you might not even be doing something particularly distracting, but if you are zoning out or daydreaming, you are not paying attention to driving and will not be able to react to any unexpected obstacles. Stay focused while driving, no matter how familiar the drive is.

Wichita Car Accident Attorneys

If you or a loved one was recently injured in a car accident caused by a distracted driver, you have a right to pursue fair and just compensation. At Hutton & Hutton, we are dedicated to achieving justice for injury victims, no matter how complex their case might be. Our award-winning attorneys are prepared to hold any at-fault party responsible.

Contact us today at (316) 688-1166 to schedule a free consultation.
