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Daycare Injuries


Nothing frightens parents more than thoughts of their children being injured. However, with summer break here, many children will be spending time in daycare while their parents continue to work. The danger lies in a parent’s unfamiliarity with the daycare center they must rely on and the staff who work there. Here are a few of the most common types of daycare injuries and signs that you might want to investigate further.

Unintentional Injuries

Children are sometimes magnets for disaster. They are high-energy and low-caution beings whose play can often end in a scraped knee or a bonked head. Common unintentional injuries at a daycare include the following:

  • Scrapes
  • Cuts
  • Bruises
  • Dislocation
  • Broken bones
  • Head or neck injuries
  • Internal injuries
  • Dental injuries
  • Unintentional poisoning
  • Drowning or near-drowning
  • Burns
  • Choking or suffocation

Some of these injuries are the average result of child games, such as tag. However, while some daycare workers might not have meant some of the other injuries to happen, such as unintentional poisoning, they may be held liable for negligence if they didn’t keep poisonous substances locked away where children can’t reach them.

Falling tends to be the leading cause of child injuries at a daycare, and 50% to 60% of childcare injuries take place on the playground. Falls are a much more common injury especially if other objects are involved, such as playground structures, furniture, or toys.

Intentional Injuries

Injuries caused by negligence are one thing, but when daycare workers or other children intentionally harm a child, that is something completely different. Overly aggressive kids can cause injuries sometimes as the result of aggressive behavior, behavioral issues, or problems at home. Childcare supervisors can keep an eye on these children in particular by being sensitive to their emotional needs, reinforcing coping skills, and encouraging them to participate in other physical activities that release aggression, such as running. If your child sustains multiple unexplained or repeated injuries, such as bruises in the shape of an object or broken bones in a child that can’t walk or climb, this could indicate abuse. If you suspect your child has been abused, contact your local police department as soon as you can.

If your child has been injured through negligence or carelessness, let us help. Our skilled Wichita premises liability attorneys have been helping people across the states seek compensation for their personal injuries since 1979. Let us see what our highly rated and compassionate lawyers can do for you and your child.

Contact us at (316) 688-1166​ or fill out our online form to schedule a free case consultation today.