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How to Talk to Police About Your Car Accident Without Implying Fault


Saying “I’m Sorry” After a Car Accident

You have likely heard it said that you should never say “I’m sorry” after a car accident, and it’s true. If you are ever in a collision with another driver, always make an effort to ensure everyone involved is okay. It may be tempting to apologize, especially if the other driver has been injured or their vehicle has sustained major damage, but implying that you were in any way at fault could come back to hurt you in court. Even if you are certain you were at fault for the accident, even in part, it is best not to say anything that could incriminate you.

Talking to Law Enforcement After Your Accident

It may seem simple to avoid making any sort of concession or apology while talking to the other driver(s) involved in the accident, you may find it more challenging to navigate your subsequent interaction with police. Members of law enforcement will try to gather as much information as possible about the accident. As such, they are likely ask far more pointed questions about how the accident occurred and who caused it. (They may even ask you directly whether you were at fault for the accident.)

Be advised that the details of the accident will speak for themselves if there is a dispute as to who is at fault. It is not up to you to prove that you did not cause the accident, but it is important that you avoid implying that your decision, mistake, or behavior caused the collision. When speaking with police, do not become uncooperative, but answer questions with care by avoiding phrases such as “I’m sorry,” “It was an accident,” and “I didn’t mean to.” (This is true even in your initial 911 call, when you describe the accident over the phone to a 911 operator.)

Because our memories tend to trick us, it would also behoove you to immediately write down exactly how the accident happened. Before you get out of your car, write down the sequence of events, so that you have a clear idea of what happened. This will also help you present a clear account of the details when questioned by law enforcement.

Schedule a Free Consultation with a Wichita Car Accident Attorney Today

Our legal team at the Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC has defended many drivers over the years, and we know how to help you navigate your car accident case, whether you are being sued or suing another driver. In either case, give yourself an advantage by getting an experienced car accident lawyer on your side and learning how to choose your words carefully when describing your accident, and at every stage of your case thereafter.

Schedule your complimentary case evaluation or give us a call at (316) 688-1166today.
