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Actor Tom Hanks Faces Lawsuit After His Son Causes a Fender Bender


How far can liability extend in a car accident or personal injury claim? A California jury or court may soon have to come up with a definitive answer after a unique lawsuit was recently filed against famous Hollywood actor Tom Hanks for a collision he was not present for.

Last year, Mr. Moogan was rear-ended by Chester Hanks, son of Tom Hanks. The fender bender caused damage to the vehicle and emotional and physical injury, the lawsuit states. Now Mr. Moogan is suing someone who was nowhere near the scene of the accident for damages. The question everyone wants to know is: Why?

Are Parents Liable for Their Children’s Actions?

Chester Hanks, sometimes called Chet, has admitted to having a history of substance abuse. He even went to rehabilitation for alcohol and drug dependency in the summer. Mr. Moogan’s lawsuit attests that Tom Hanks and his wife, who is also a defendant in the case, should have known better than to allow Chet to drive their vehicle.

While extending liability to parents is fairly unheard of in car accident cases, liability extensions are not all that foreign a concept in other personal injury claims. For example, if you slip and fall on someone else’s property, you can sue the property owner and controller for damages, despite them not actually being there; it is also entirely possible they had nothing to do with whatever caused you to lose your footing – they are simply liable, at least partially so, for being the one who owns the property.

Car insurance companies, legal professionals, and plaintiffs everywhere greatly anticipate the outcome of this case, as it could change how liability in car accidents is seen forever. No matter how the court decides, it is clear that attention to detail and thorough evidence on both sides will be necessary to reach a fair conclusion.

Were you hit by a negligent driver in Kansas? Let our Wichita car accident lawyers know what happened during a free case evaluation today and we can determine who might be liable for your injuries.
