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Holiday Car Accident Statistics in Kansas


The Kansas Department of Transportation (KSDOT) has dedicated much of its time to cataloguing all car accidents within the state. When carefully analyzed, the data can help researchers and individuals alike understand what is causing car accidents so that they can be avoided and prevented in the future. At Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC, our Wichita personal injury lawyers may represent clients that have been hurt by a negligent driver but we would much rather no one ever get hurt at all. With this goal in mind, we have given some analysis to KSDOT statistics, particularly those regarding major holidays (2014 being the last year with full data gathered).

Rundowns of car accident statistics for a few 2014 holidays:

  • New Year’s Eve & Day
    Campaigns promoting safe driving on New Year’s has apparently been quite effective in Kansas. According to KSDOT statistics, the number of accidents per hour dropped dramatically between 2013 and 2014 data sheets; there were also no reported fatalities in 2014 and only 6 reported accidents caused by a drunk driver.
  • Super Bowl Weekend
    Compared to an average weekend, car accidents spiked about 60% on Super Bowl weekend in Kansas. There was also a similar jump between 2013 and 2014, indicating that driving on this weekend is getting more dangerous. Please be mindful of rush hours before and after the Super Bowl and chose your route accordingly.
  • St. Patrick’s Day
    Although the number of accidents over St. Patrick’s Day weekend has been consistently less than an average weekend on Kansas roads, the number of fatalities hit a 5-year high in 2014.
  • Memorial Day
    Statistics regarding Memorial Day weekend car accidents are similar to an average weekend, indicating that either people do not travel far from home to celebrate or people do not imbibe alcohol at an increased rate for this holiday.
  • 4th of July
    2014 experienced a higher ratio of car accidents per hour in Kansas than compared to the previous five years.
  • Halloween
    Out of all the holidays analyzed, Halloween proved to be one of the most dangerous. Throughout the last five years, the number of accidents has been consistently higher than a typical weekend in Kansas. There were, however, only 8 pedestrian accidents in 2014 with 5 resulting in injury and 0 resulting in death.
  • Christmas
    About 7% of all car accidents involving Christmas or a Christmas celebration involved alcohol, a percentage that is higher than most other holidays. In terms of accidents per hour, the Christmas season was relatively low, even considering possible icy roads.

Three reasons why car crashes spike during the winter holiday season are:

  • More drivers: It can be difficult to meet up with friends during the business of day-to-day life, but during the holidays, it seems everyone has the time to hangout and celebrate. Additional drivers on the road, whether they are crossing town or passing through to visit distant relatives, will increase the change of a crash, even when everyone is being as careful as can be.
  • Bad weather: Unless you live down in Southern California or Florida, your hometown probably experiences shifts in the weather during the winter, be it snowfall or ice on the morning roads. Drivers must be particularly careful to avoid dangerous driving behavior when the weather conditions are bad.
  • Intoxication: As previously mentioned, drunk drivers are more likely to hit the roads during the holidays simply because most activities of merriment involve an alcoholic beverage. Partygoers excited for the warmth of the season may lose track of how many drinks they have had and climb behind the wheel to head home, not comprehending the danger they are posing to themselves and others.

What the Statistics Mean to You

The KSDOT data tells the average Kansas motorist that a holiday weekend is just as dangerous, or more so, than the average weekend. If you need to travel for the holidays this year, please be careful and be mindful of possibly intoxicated drivers on the roads. If you are in an accident that is not your fault, contact our Wichita car accident attorneys for honest, reliable, and responsive legal representation.
