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Electronic Onboard Recorders and Injury Claims


In the United States, many commercial vehicles such as interstate trucking and buses are required to be fitted with an electronic onboard recorder (EOBR). These digital instruments record the amount of time that a vehicle is being driven, taking the place of traditional paper log books. While not all companies are required to use EOBRs, companies with poor hours of service compliance records may be required to have them installed in their vehicles to hold them accountable.

The purpose of these devices is to ensure that truck drivers comply with federal trucking regulations regarding hours of service, minimizing driver fatigue. Under current federal regulations, truck drivers are prohibited from driving more than 70 hours per week, with a maximum of 11 drivable hours per day. These limits are put in place to help drivers stay awake and alert when behind the wheel, thereby reducing a driver’s risk of causing a collision due to exhaustion.

While these devices can simplify the process of recording a driver’s hours, EOBRs can also play an important role in determining liability for truck accidents. Unlike a paper log book that can be filled out in a less-than-truthful manner, an EOBR can accurately display the amount of time that a truck was in use and provide compelling evidence to prove whether or not a driver was in violation of federal regulations. If so, injured victims of truck accidents may be entitled to recover a wide range of monetary damages, including medical expenses, lost income, damaged property, and pain and suffering.

Injured in a Truck Accident? Call (316) 688-1166

If a fatigued truck driver has caused you to suffer an injury in a truck accident, an experienced Wichita truck accident attorney from Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC can use the data provided by an EORB to craft a hard-hitting strategy aimed at recovering the maximum amount of compensation possible for your suffering. Having recovered more than $400 million in verdicts and settlements on behalf of our clients, your case is sure to be in excellent hands.

To find out more about what our award-winning lawyers can do for you, request a free consultation or contact our office online today!
