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Spikes in Car Accidents During the Winter Holiday Season


The most dangerous time of the year to drive is here: the winter holiday season. Historically, more Americans get into serious car accidents between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day than any other span of days on the calendar. Last year, nearly 25 Americans lost their lives each day during the holiday season just due to drunk driving accidents, and many more were killed in non-alcohol related collisions.

Three reasons why car crashes spike during the winter holiday season are:

  1. More drivers: It can be difficult to meet up with friends during the business of day-to-day life, but during the holidays, it seems everyone has the time to hangout and celebrate. Additional drivers on the road, whether they are crossing town or passing through to visit distant relatives, will increase the change of a crash, even when everyone is being as careful as can be.
  2. Bad weather: Unless you live down in Southern California or Florida, your hometown probably experiences shifts in the weather during the winter, be it snowfall or ice on the morning roads. Drivers must be particularly careful to avoid dangerous driving behavior when the weather conditions are bad.
  3. Intoxication: As previously mentioned, drunk drivers are more likely to hit the roads during the holidays simply because most activities of merriment involve an alcoholic beverage. Partygoers excited for the warmth of the season may lose track of how many drinks they have had and climb behind the wheel to head home, not comprehending the danger they are posing to themselves and others.

Our team here at Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC encourage you to always drive safely and defensively, especially during the holiday season, to reduce your chances of getting into a traffic collision. If you are hurt in a car accident, know that our Wichita personal injury lawyers can provide you with decades of legal experience for your claim. Contact us today to learn more about our services and our client-first philosophy.
