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Filing or Joining a Mass Tort


Dangerous products and pharmaceuticals are a true menace to society. If left unchecked, they can endanger potentially hundreds or thousands of people at a time. When enough claims arise from seemingly one source, a mass tort could be used to pursue compensation for victims across the country.

A mass tort is not handled exactly in the same way as other personal injury lawsuits. Understanding them may require assistance from a professional attorney.

Do You Think You Have a Mass Tort Claim?

Before you start seeking legal recourse after an injury or illness caused by a defective product or drug, speak to a mass tort lawyer. It could be possible that you need to join a mass tort already underway. In order to do so, you will need to be fairly thorough with possible sources of evidence. This means holding onto medical records and any detailed information about the source of your troubles. If you can opt into a mass tort, your case will still be treated as an individual case, meaning you can seek recoveries unique to your needs and damages.

It is also possible that you are at the forefront of discovering serious issues with a product or substance. You may need to speak to a lawyer about actually creating a mass tort that others can join. This will involve pre-trial investigations on a large scale.

Give Us a Call When You Need Professional Counsel

At Hutton & Hutton Law Firm, LLC, our Wichita mass tort lawyers are always ready and willing to hear your claims. With our professional guidance, we can help move you towards the right solution for your claim, even if it means creating or opting into a mass tort. Call (316) 688-1166 to contact our firm today and we will get back to you as soon as possible. You may even begin now by filling out a complimentary online case evaluation form.